What is addiction?
There are many definitions of addiction, but this is a simple way of understanding it. Addiction is a dependance on any substance or activity in order to function normally. It is a maladaptation to the way we respond to people and situations, usually caused by some form of trauma during our developmental years. Because the brain does not know how to process what is happening, it pushes the pause button, which has the unfortunate effect of replaying the pain over and over again. The problem isn’t the substance or activity, it is the pain - addiction is an attempt to cope with pain.
What causes addiction?
Simply put, trauma causes addiction - addiction is often referred to as Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD). We consistently spot at least one of the following in all who come to us for help, which is also why we believe that the LGBT community is uniquely vulnerable to addiction:-
1. Abuse
2. Broken families
3. Dysfunctional families
4. Bullying
5. Stigma and discrimination
6. Guilt and shame over sexuality
7. Internalised homophobia
What are common symptoms of trauma?
Here are some common reactions to trauma that those of us who suffer from addiction experience on a daily basis:-
1. Anger, irritability, mood swings
2. Fear and anxiety
3. Guilt, shame, self-blame
4. Withdrawal from others
5. Feeling sad or hopeless
6. Feeling numb or disconnected
What is recovery?
We often refer to recovery from addiction when we are actually mean recovery from trauma that causes addiction. It has been our experience that the urge to use drugs to numb ourselves is naturally lifted when we deal with the underlying issues that cause our experience of life to be so painful to deal with.
How do we recover?
The Greenhouse takes a 3 step approach toward recovery:-
1. Consultation (to assess the issues, impart proper understanding of addiction and provide overview of all treatment options available)
2. Weekly meetings (to provide peer support and reduce cravings)
3. Counselling and/or mentorship through the 12 steps (to deal with underlying issues)
Why the Greenhouse?
We are privileged to be able to offer a variety of LGBT-specific addiction recovery programs under one roof via working closely with community partners. This allows us to customise a recovery plan for our clients and fully utilise all available resources in resolving the problem - we call this an integrated approach toward recovery from addiction. (caters to uniquely vulnerable communities and integrated approach)
What is the biggest misconception about addiction?
Addiction is not a moral failing - we are not weak or bad people. Overcoming addiction has little to do with will-power, but with proper understanding and applying the tools that we pick up in recovery over and over again until they work.
Does recovery work?
Recovery, like any significant life change, is all about learning effective life skills and practicing those new behaviors until they become a natural part of your life. There are many evidence-based therapies that have been proven to be highly effective in helping individuals recover from substance abuse and other addictive behaviors. All of these therapies share one principle in common: mindful practice brings results as long as we don’t give up!
How do I get started?
Simply email, facebook message or call us via the contact page to begin your journey of recovery - you are not alone