Our team carries out an initial assessment with the service user to:-

  1. Provide basic addiction and recovery information

  2. Determine usage nature and pattern

  3. Explore possible cause(s) of addiction

  4. Lay out different recovery options

  5. Create a recovery plan together based on what is discovered

Assessment is carried out at the beginning of recovery, and is repeated as required.


Peer support is an evidence-based practice with proven results. Our trained volunteers offer psychosocial support to new clients who need help navigating the various recovery resources. Leveraging on lived experience, our peer support volunteers share knowledge and model recovery to facilitate change.


Counselling helps to address underlying issues that cause addiction in a person-centric manner. It is especially helpful in addressing acute issues or issues that may be too personal to address in a group setting. We provide in-house counselling by professional counsellors.


Facilitated by trained professionals, group therapy is an important means of examining the way we relate to ourselves and others, so as to establish healthy and helpful ways of relating. This is especially important when the crutch of drugs and alcohol have been removed, and acts as a future template for the ways we relate to others outside of a recovery setting.


A sense of connection is important to recovery, and we emphasise community support as a means of ensuring that we do not feel alone in our struggles. We take great pains to foster a strong sense of community amongst our clients. Casual outings and festive celebrations help us safely build support networks that last.


Our Greenhouse chat group provides a simple and convenient way to stay connected throughout the day. It is also a great way of getting support whenever we need to reach out for help. Checking in, sharing recovery information, as well as our daily victories and struggles, helps us build healthy coping mechanisms that replace harmful behaviours.


Because recovery can be a complex, long term process with many parts to it, we have a robust case management process in place to:-

  1. Track progress of recovery

  2. Conduct periodic assessments with the service user

  3. Recommend adjustments to recovery plan as needed

  4. Prompt service users of steps that need to be taken

Our case management service helps to simplify the process and provide a seamless experience of recovery from end to end.


Referral to medical care that is accepting and non-judgemental is an integral part of our integrated consultation strategy. These may include referral for:-

  1. Detox (for heavy users who require medical supervision in order to safely stop using)

  2. Testing and/or treatment of HIV and/or other sexually transmitted infections

  3. Assessment and/or treatment of mental health conditions

  4. Trauma-specific counselling

  5. Other general health issues

We have established professional referral arrangements with a network of relevant and reliable service providers. This helps to ensure that our customised interventions are holistic and integrated.